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195名, 成绩:A-B 74.70%

学校类型: 男女校 学 费:

寄校 8,015镑/学期

建校时间: 1935年 入学要求:

13-18岁 , 需测试, 面试

学校位置: 牛津 奖学金项目:


学生人数: 648人

其 它:




圣爱德华学校 St Edward’s School

What it’s like

Founded in 1863, the original buildings were in the centre of Oxford. In 1873 the school moved to Summertown, two miles north of the city. There it enjoys a site of about 100 acres, including 90 acres of playing fields. The agreeable original buildings are in the Victorian collegiate style. There has been a comprehensive programme of renovation and development and the school is now very well equipped. It is a purposeful, friendly and unpretentious school, now fully co-educational (girls have been admitted to the sixth form since 1981, at 13 since 1997). The staff:pupil ratio is very favourable – nearly 1:8. Academic standards are high and examination results are very good. There is a dynamic musical tradition (two orchestras, a concert band, jazz band and choir), and strong drama with numerous productions each year. Dance is particularly popular. Sport is well provided for and high and national standards are achieved, particularly in rugby, hockey and rowing. A large number of clubs and societies cater for a wide range of interests. The CCF includes Air Force and Naval sections and there is a good deal of emphasis on open-air adventure training. Ample use is made of the cultural facilities of Oxford.

School profile

Pupils & entrance

Pupils: Age range 13–18, 642 pupils, 182 day (137 boys, 45 girls), 460 boarding (275 boys, 185 girls).
Entrance: Main entry ages 13 and 16. Common Entrance exam used; own exam for sixth form entry. State school entry 2%.

Scholarships & bursaries
13+ pa scholarships awarded at age 13, value up to 50% of fees: 9 academic, 3 all-rounder, 1 classics and some music, art and sport. Also scholarship schemes jointly with nominated prep schools for pupils age 9–11 and 2 for HM forces (1 specifically for children of RAF personnel). Some bursaries for children of clergy and university teachers.

Head & staff

Warden: Andrew Trotman, appointed 2004. Educated at Alleyne’s Grammar School, Stevenage, and Oxford University (English). Previously Head Master of St Peter’s (York), Deputy Rector at Edinburgh Academy, Housemaster at Abingdon School. Also JP; Board Member of York Lifelong Learning Partnership.
Teaching staff: 80 full and part time.

Exam results

GCSE: In 2003, 123 pupils in fifth: 97% gained at least grade C in 8+ subjects; 3% in 5–7 subjects. Average GCSE score 60 (59 over 4 years).
A-levels: 120 in upper sixth: 23% passed in 4+ subjects; 70% in 3; 6% in 2 subjects. Average final point score achieved by upper sixth formers 343.

University & college entrance
95% of 2003 sixth-form leavers went on to a degree course, 10% to Oxbridge. 4% took courses in medicine, dentistry & veterinary science, 25% in science & engineering, 67% in humanities & social sciences, 2% in art & design, 2% in music or drama. Others typically go on to other courses or a very few straight into careers.

GCSE, AS and A-level. 18 GCSE subjects offered, 24 AS-level, 22 A-level.
Sixth form: Most sixth formers take 4 subjects at AS-level, 3–4 at A-level; a 5th AS-level can be taken over 2 years. 16% took sciences, 44% arts/humanities, 40% both.
Special provision: available for pupils with mild dyslexia.
Languages: French, German and Spanish offered to GCSE, AS and A-level. Regular exchanges. Small intake of European pupils.
ICT: Integrated into all courses. 300 machines on school-wide networks with PCs in departments and boarding houses.

The arts

Music: Over 30% of pupils learn a musical instrument; instrumental exams can be taken. Musical groups, include orchestra, concert band, big band, choral society, chapel choir, chamber music groups, string quartets.
Drama: Some pupils are involved in school productions; all first year in house/other productions. 10 productions a year; recently included Antigone, Macbeth and Carmen. House festival directed by senior pupils.
Art & design: On average 40 take GCSE, 20 A-level. Design, woodwork, metalwork, plastics, ceramics, graphics, art history and photography also offered.

Sport & activities

Sport: Major sports are rugby (autumn term), hockey, netball, rowing (spring and summer), cricket (summer). Also athletics, squash, tennis, sailing, fencing, cross-country, swimming, golf, weight training, badminton, basketball, volley-ball, 5-a-side soccer, 6-a-side hockey, gymnastics, judo, table tennis. Rowing, recent winner of Princess Elizabeth at Henley, schools head winners; 2nd in golf foundation national team championship (all pupils are members of Esporta Club); national hockey finals 2003.
Activities: CCF voluntary at age 14, voluntary thereafter. Some 25 clubs, including sub-aqua, farm, school magazine, pétanque, dance, climbing, debating.

Pupils failing to produce homework once might expect a reprimand and to produce the work by the next day or earlier; those caught smoking cannabis on the premises might expect expulsion.

Former pupils
George Fenton (film music eg Shadowlands); Peter Rawlins (Stock Exchange); Jon Snow (news journalist); Sir Stephen Tumin; Laurence Olivier; John Berger; Kenneth Grahame; Guy Gibson; Douglas Bader; Lord Sandberg.


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